Thursday, July 25, 2013

Zimmerman = GUILTY!

I compiled a list of reasons why I think George "I killed Trayvon Martin In Cold Blood" Zimmerman" should have been found guilty.  In my opinion the investigation was flawed from the very beginning and the prosecution also 'dropped the ball' on many major points.

Here I go:
-The Obvious: He pursued/stalked/followed a person that was ultimately not a "suspect". He assumed he was up to no good but was dead wrong! The boy was just heading home from the store while talking on the phone with a friend. Trayvon wasn't wearing garb that suggested that he was a 1. Burglar (all black) 2. A Gang Member (no flags/bandana) etc. All he saw was a black teen that he "didn't know". That doesn't constitute suspicious activity, that is full blown PROFILING!

-He did not at anytime announce to Trayvon that he was Neighborhood watch or even a concerned resident. This could have easily calmed the situation... immediately! Even Police officer's are entitled to announce to "suspects": I'M A COP! Aren't they? Therefore Trayvon had no legal binding to not STAND HIS GROUND. The fact that he was being followed gave him the right under Florida's BS SYG law to properly defend himself "with no duty to flee" (As the law states). Or does that law not apply to Trayvon, a african american teenager who was doing nothing wrong?

-Zimmerman told different variations of his story. On one hand Trayvon jumped out of the bushes and attacked him, on another he just appeared in front of him (magically I suppose). On one hand Trayvon had his hand on the gun (while he held one hand on his mouth and the other covering Zim's nose.. How many hands did Trayvon have?) & during the reenactment he said he "felt" Trayvon saw the gun ("my shirt lifted up & I felt he saw it" he says"). Smh ... Just to name a couple huge inconsistencies.

-During the reenactment he says he went down toward "the T" to get an address for law enforcement.. A couple things prove that was not the reason for him going that way:

1st: how is he neighborhood watch captain and he doesn't know the name of the street he is on? Especially when there are only 3 streets in the entire complex?

2nd: to his immediate right there is a house with a visible address right there! Also may I point out that the cops with him at the scene failed to point that out or question him on that. When deciphering a Lie/Truth, all these things should "matter". Those that tend to tell the truth usually tell the entire truth unless they have something to hide.

3rd: on his 911 call he asked the operator "can u have the cop meet me by my car?" after he agreed to meet him at the "mailboxes". If the police was going to meet him at his car then why did he walk away from his car??? ...To follow, stalk, pursue and ultimately APPROACH Trayvon Martin, THAT'S WHY!

There and then is when Stand Your Ground should be enforced. Trayvon was in imminent danger for his life as this stranger followed him in his car, then got out and followed him on foot and approached him.

Trayvon Defending himself starts there and ended with George "I'm a Coward and one who Profiles young black men with a License to Carry a concealed weapon" Zimmerman pulling out his firearm and ending this young boy's life Unjustly!

I just wish the Jury of 6 women had seen through the Defendant's BS, the investigators mishaps & the prosecutions shortcomings and relied on Common Sense.

Only 2 people know exactly what happened that night of February 26th of 2012. One of them told a story that made little sense in many key areas of his statement and also was not challenged by investigators on those inconsistencies.  The other was murdered in cold blood & wasn't allowed to ever give his account of the events that occurred that horrible night.

And again just as its done before, Our Justice system has failed us all as in the cases of: 
Oscar Grant (shot in his back and murdered as he lay flat on his stomach, already subdued by police),

Jordan Davis (shot and killed because his music was too loud), 

Sean Bell (shot and killed on his Wedding Night while unarmed)

& Remarley Graham (shot and killed by cops while unarmed).
My question to you all is: How & When do we curb this revolving door of In-Justice? Or CAN we?
I believe it starts with how we treat our own as Parents, Neighbors and Human Beings.  I will not sit here and blame "black on black" crime for these atrocities, but i can not and will not turn a blind eye to it.


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